Saturday, June 25, 2011

Storm Front

I recently started watching The Dresden Files on Netflix. Let me say how disappointment I was when I discovered it only had one season! Outrage!

Fortunately for me though, Jim Butcher has written several books so I can continue my habit. What's best is that the voice from the show was taken directly from the voice of the books. I feel like I'm watching the show when I read.

So for all my writers out there, here's one for you. I have to admit that I don't usually like first person stories because people fall back on telling. Butcher's voice is strong, the first person perspective is strong, and I love his description. It reminds me of just how far I still have to go with my own writing too (sigh!).

As Glen Cook's promo blurb on the front cover says, "Wish I'd thought of this myself."

Friday, June 10, 2011

Techniques of the Selling Writer

Last year I packed away all my writing books. I didn't think I was going to be using them for awhile (if ever again) -- of course that action alone probably spurred me to finish The Three Books. Seeing I've been writing again, I decided to unpack them and put them back on my shelves. That's when I ran across the yellow cover of a book I probably ought to start reading again -- Techniques of the Selling Writer.

This is one of those books where I actually remember where I was when this was recommended to me. Stella Cameron recommended this book to me at a writer's conference in Salem, Oregon many years ago. It was just shortly after my first son was born.

Reading it opened my eyes to many things. Dwight Swain is a master and knows his craft. Okay, I have to admit that some of his details went over my head, but I got the big picture. Seeing how this book has been reprinted since I hunted long and hard for my yellow copy, I wonder how much has been updated -- that I can't say, but I'm sure it only makes it better.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Here's one that's really going to shock you.

I picked this up and saw the quote from Seth Godin on the front that reads, "Ignore this book at your own peril."

So I'm thinking, "Yeah, right! Whatever, Seth." I'm also wondering what's in this book that he thinks is so important. Yes, I'm hooked.

After a quick read through, I'm thinking that Seth Godin is right. This is a book you need to read. At least the first few sections (for the artist) and the last section on Evolution (for current businesses). If you've been reading the books I've recommended here, then you'll see how this book counters many of them. They have a lot of the same arguments I've had with several of the books here on my list. I like their encouragement and advice. I loved the part about how you will always have "waste" if you create a product and this "waste" can be used for something else. Yes! And there are people that I'd love to give the Evolution section of this book to read if I thought they'd take a hint.

For the artist, the Hiring section can pretty much be skipped, but the rest of it is worth a read, even if you end up skimming through the parts you don't agree with. The other gems you pick up are well worth it.

I have to second Godin's opinion here: Ignore this book at your own peril.