Friday, June 10, 2011

Techniques of the Selling Writer

Last year I packed away all my writing books. I didn't think I was going to be using them for awhile (if ever again) -- of course that action alone probably spurred me to finish The Three Books. Seeing I've been writing again, I decided to unpack them and put them back on my shelves. That's when I ran across the yellow cover of a book I probably ought to start reading again -- Techniques of the Selling Writer.

This is one of those books where I actually remember where I was when this was recommended to me. Stella Cameron recommended this book to me at a writer's conference in Salem, Oregon many years ago. It was just shortly after my first son was born.

Reading it opened my eyes to many things. Dwight Swain is a master and knows his craft. Okay, I have to admit that some of his details went over my head, but I got the big picture. Seeing how this book has been reprinted since I hunted long and hard for my yellow copy, I wonder how much has been updated -- that I can't say, but I'm sure it only makes it better.

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